Louis Xiv Military - The Royal French Army (French: Armée Royale Française) is the main armed force of the Kingdom of France. From the reign of Louis XIV in the mid-17th century to the reign of Charles his 10th under the House of Bourbon in the 19th century, the interlude between 1792 and his 1814, and the Hundred Days of 1815 Includes an interlude. The French Royal Army, which was completely disbanded after the July Revolution of 1830, became a model for new monarchies that were imitated throughout Europe from the mid-17th century onwards.

During most of its existence, it was considered the strongest military force in Europe and the most powerful army in the world.

Louis Xiv Military

Louis Xiv Military

When Louis XIV ascended the French throne in 1661, he inherited a large but unorganized army of about 70,000 meters. Like other European armies of the time, it consisted of mercenaries, guards, local militia, and conscripts, disbanded only for specific campaigns. Organization, cohesion, training and facilities are not of the highest standard.

Versailles And The Royal Court

Under Louis' two Ministers of War, Michel Le Tellier and his son, the Marquis de Loire, the French Royal Army was reorganized into a trained and professional army of permanent regiments under central control. I was. Weapons, promotions, training, uniforms, and organization were improved or introduced, and the size of the armed forces nearly doubled.

Anne of Austria ascended the throne after the death of Louis' father, Louis XIII. She and her prime minister, Cardinal Mazarin, have ordered the arrest of opponents of the bill.

It caused the dissatisfaction of many nobles and ordinary citizens. At the end of the bloody Thirty Years' War, France sided with the Protestant nations against the rest of Catholic Europe, and the Fronde Civil War broke out, forcing Mazarin to flee.

When Louis XIV came of age in 1652, the Fronde and Mazarin families were again allowed to appoint prime ministers. The leader of the anti-Mazarin faction, Prince Condé, fled to Spain, which soon joined the Royalists in the British Isles to fight France and its new ally Oliver Her Cromwell's Gland Confederation.

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Anglo-French forces under the command of Marshal Sane decisively defeated the Spaniards in Flanders, which was part of the Spanish province.

In 1660, Louis married the Spanish princess Marie-Thérèse. In 1667, he claimed the Spanish Netherlands as his dowry and started another conflict with Spain, the Devolution War.

Pardoned and allowed to return to France, Thurn and Comte commanded the French army. Their forces occupied most of the Spanish Netherlands, but under pressure from the Triple Alliance, Louis returned most of the French conquests with the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle. Lille, Armtieres, Bergues and Douai were considered and remain to this day important in strengthening France's fragile northern border. As 1672 proved, the abolition of Tournai, Oudard, Courterlet, Vourne, Binche, Charleroi and Asse made future attacks much easier.

Louis Xiv Military

From 1672 to his 1678, France was embroiled in the Franco-Dutch War, in which Grande and his navy allied (1672 to his 1674). The war began when he invaded and nearly occupied Holland in May 1672 by French troops.

En Garde! Why France Was The Duelling Capital Of Europe

By late July, Dutch status had been stabilized with the support of Emperor Leopold, Bramburg-Prussia and Spain, and this was formally recognized in her Treaty of the Hague of August 1673, and Denmark granted her the joined the However, after Griesch's defeat and withdrawal, between 1674 and 1678 the French army, with Sweden as its only valid ally, was forced into the south of the Netherlands (Spain) and along the Rhine against the poorly coordinated forces of the Grand Alliance. was able to regularly beat the Ultimately, the heavy financial burden of the war, and the prospect of an impending conflict in which Grande would once again try to side with the Dutch and their allies, persuaded Louis to make peace despite his favorable military position. I was. The result was the Peace of Nimeg between France and the Grand He League, leaving the Dutch Republic intact, but France aggressively expanding in the Spanish Netherlands.

During the reign of Louis XIV, the famous engineer Sébastille Prestor de Vauban designed the intricate fortress. Vauban, genius of siege warfare,

In 1688, the Catholic King James II of Grande was overthrown, and William, Duke of Orange, Prince of the Netherlands and a longtime friend of Louis, was named next king. James fled to France and used it as a base for his invasion of Ireland in 1690. More directly, the French invaded the German Palatinate since James was exiled.

In 1689 the Nine Years' War broke out, with France at war with the Augsburg League and other European powers.

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The war resulted in no significant territorial gains for either side, and the two alliances fought again in her 1701.

Despite the initial successes of the French at Friedling and Hochstadt, the Allies under the command of the Duke of Marlborough and Prince Jag of Savoy at Bahlheim, Ramiris and Oudalde inflicted heavy defeats on the French. rice field. In Spain (where succession to the throne was the cause of the war), Gibraltar was defeated by Spanish forces allied with France.

However, the many casualties suffered at Malplaque in 1709 provided an opportunity for Marlborough's political opponents, who had been dismissed after their victory in the 1710 British general election, and Britain sought to preside over the war. France was reborn under the leadership of Marshals Villars and Marshals Verdôme, but despite a major victory at Dane in 1712, the war reached a stalemate and a treaty was signed in favor of France in 1714. rice field.

Louis Xiv Military

Louis XIV's great-grandson, Louis XV, was the only surviving direct heir when the old king died in 1715. Despite three major wars, his reign was much more peaceful than that of his great-grandfather. The first is his 1733 War of the Polish Succession. The second was the War of the Austrian Succession, which began in 1740 with the coronation of Maria Theresia as Holy Roman Empress. Her father named her his heir, and the rest of Europe agreed to honor his wishes. , and annexed the lands controlled by the Habsburgs into the empire.

Map Of Louis Xiv

French and Allied forces face off at Fonteuil. The blue-clad French soldiers in the foreground are members of the French Guard.

England allied with Maria Theresia, and Louis XV allied with Frederick. Louis provided military support during the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745 in the form of a contingent of French-Irish brigades in support of Charles his Edward his Stuart.

The pragmatic allies first defeated the French at the Battle of Detting in 1743, a battle that had little impact on the overall war and was described as "a pleasant escape rather than a great victory". .

A series of French victories (including the great victory of the Saxon Field Marshal at von Toei in 1745) enabled France to conquer most of the Austrian Netherlands, although this territory was lost to Austria at the end of the war. was returned to

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The post-war situation was much the same as before, but it paved the way for the Severnian War, which officially began in his 1756 when Prussia and Austria went to war again. But this time France was allied with Austria, and England with Prussia. In 1757 the French army was defeated at the Battle of Rosbach. Parallel to the fighting in Europe, French-Canadian militia and Indian raiding parties attacked the Greish Settlement in North America. This war, known as the French and Indian War, was the last of his four wars fought in North America at the same time as the European conflict. By 1759, however, Britain had invaded the Americas and captured Quebec, the capital of the French colony.

During his fifteenth reign, Louis also fought battles on the Indian subcontinent. During the War of the Austrian Succession, French troops captured several Indian reservations, but their allies were defeated by the British in 1756. Overall, the Seven Years' War was not good for France, and France was forced to sign a treaty against her in 1763.

When Britain's North American colonies rebelled in her 1775, France initially provided limited support. However, after the American victory at the Battle of Saratoga, Louis XVI of France authorized the sending of an expedition led by Count Rochambeau to America to assist the revolutionaries.

Louis Xiv Military

In 1781, an expeditionary force took part in the Battle of Yorktown, leading to colonial independence. In 1784, Jean-François Costet was appointed Chief Advisor to the King's Barracks and Army.

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By the 1780s, the political balance in France had shifted. Faced with famine in the winter of 1788/89 and with little political freedom, many lower and middle class citizens despised the nobility.

Early in his reign, Louis succumbed to pressure from the nobility and banned promotion from the lower ranks to officer in the royal army.This measure angered the long-serving NCOs.

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